So in China the company law is still in the process. 中国的公司法仍在制定中。
The company must be permitted and regulated in the Chinese Company Law. 我国公司法应允许其存在,同时对其加强法律规制。
Until very recently, Australian company law was administered principally by the States rather than by the Commonwealth. 直到最近,澳大利亚的公司法主要由州而不是由联邦来管理。
However, the company law in China fails to make the detailed rules and has legislative loopholes. 但我国《公司法》未能就此作出详尽的规定,存在立法漏洞。
Review on the Independence of Corporate Personality and Disregard of Corporate Personality in the new Company law; Principle of judicial independence refers to justice independence and procuratorial independence in China. 新《公司法》中的法人人格独立与否认制度浅析司法独立原则在我国是指司法权独立,即独立审判和独立检察。
This kind of understanding corresponds to first value orientation and the legislative goal of the "Company Law". 这种理解与《公司法》效率优先的价值取向和立法目的相契合。
The Principles and Field in Allocation of Authoritative Rules and Mandatory Rules in the Company Law 公司法授权性与强制性规范配置的原则和领域
China's Company Law clearly defined services, credit, reputation price not funded. 我国公司法明确规定劳务,信用,商誉不得作价出资。
Retained earnings appropriated according to Company Law or related regulations. 指依公司法或其他相关法令规定,自盈馀中指拨之公积。
Consummation of One-person Company Law System in China 论我国一人公司法律制度的完善
Where there are no provisions in this law, provisions of the company law, and other laws and regulations shall be applicable. 本法未规定的,适用公司法和其他法律、行政法规的规定。
The system of disregard of corporate personality first established by Anglo-American case law was accepted by Chinese company law in2006. 英美法系在判例中最先确立的公司人格否认制度,在我国2006年的公司法典中被明确确立。
Shareholders limited liability is one of the fundamental connotations of contemporary company law system. 摘要股东有限责任是现代公司法律制度的基本内涵之一。
Because the nature of stock rights, the equity pledge should be in accordance with company law requirements. 股权的权利属性决定了股权出质应受公司法规制。
Laws related to economic management, such as Company Law, Industrial Property Law and Product Liability Law etc. 有关管理经济活动方面的法规。例如公司法、工业产权法和产品责任法等。3。
Since the "Company Law" to do the individual companies to reduce the threshold, the individual companies to do more together. 自从《公司法》对个人办公司降低门槛之后,个人办公司开始多了起来。
In this chapter we shall discuss some aspects of company law. 在这一章里,我们将讨论公司法的一些内容。
The new company law introduces the judicial mandatory dissolution institution of corporate deadlock, but doesn't regulate the application of the procedure, which brings puzzles to the judicial practice in exercise. 摘要新《公司法》引入了公司僵局的司法强制解散制度,但因对程序适用未作规定,给司法实践操作带来困惑。
The system of Ltd with only one person is the important content in Company Law. “一人有限公司”制度是公司法的重要内容。
In accordance with the basic principles of the Company Law, the Securities Law and other relevant laws and regulations 根据《公司法》、《证券法》及其它相关法律、法规确定的基本原则
The Latest Developments in Foreign Company Law& Its Inspiration to China's 外国公司法的最新发展及对中国公司法的启示
These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Company Law of the People's Republic of China in order to affirm the qualifications of enterprise legal persons of companies and standardize the registration activities of companies. 为了确认公司的企业法人资格,规范公司登记行为,依据《中华人民共和国公司法》,制定本条例。
The minimum registered capital shall conform to the relevant provisions of the company law. 最低注册资本符合《公司法》的有关规定。
One-person company exists in the practice of our country ′ s Company Law. 一人公司在我国《公司法》实践中大量存在。
Familiar with China Company Law, Local Accounting Regulation and other relative laws. 熟悉公司法、计准则以及其他相关法律、规。
The articles of incorporation are the basis of company's operation combined with the company law. 公司&公司是依照《公司法》在中国境内设立的、采用有限责任公司和股份有限公司形式的企业法人。
The Company Law in Competition and the Competition Among Company Laws& The Legislation and Reform of the Company Law 竞争中的公司法与公司法的竞争&公司法立法与改革
Research on Criminal Legislation of Crime of Misstating the Registered Capital Against the Background of Amendment of Company Law; 新《公司法》的出台对虚报注册资本犯罪的犯罪行为方式及犯罪的追诉标准都产生了很大影响。
Company law in China which clearly prescribes creditors as the subjects of appeals will start the system of disregard of corporate personality. 我国现行《公司法》中明确规定了债权人可以作为诉求主体启动公司法人格否认制度。